How to identify genuine and fake water pumps

Pirated products appear in every industry, and the water pump industry is no exception. Unscrupulous manufacturers sell fake water pump products on the market with inferior products at low prices. So how do we judge the authenticity of a water pump when we buy it? Let’s learn about the identification method together.


Nameplate and packaging

The nameplate attached to the original water pump contains complete information and clear writing, and will not be blurry or rough. The packaging of products produced by the original factory has unified and standardized standards, and the product information is also fully displayed, including product specifications and models, registered trademarks, company names, addresses, contact information, etc. Counterfeit nameplates and packaging will obscure product information, such as modifying the company name and not marking the company’s contact information, etc.


Picture | Incomplete fake nameplate


Picture | Complete genuine nameplate


Appearance inspection can be identified from the perspective of paint, molding, and craftsmanship. The paint sprayed on fake and inferior water pumps not only lacks gloss but also has poor fit and is prone to peeling off to reveal the original color of the internal metal. On the mold, the structure of the counterfeit water pump is rough, making it difficult to completely replicate some designs that contain corporate characteristics, and the appearance is just the same ordinary brand image.
In order to make huge profits, these unscrupulous manufacturers produce fake water pumps by refurbishing old pumps. We can carefully check whether there is corrosion or unevenness on the paint surface in the corners. If such phenomena appear, we can basically conclude that it is a fake water pump.


Figure | Paint peeling

Part mark

Regular brand water pump manufacturers have exclusive supply channels for their water pump parts, and have strict specifications for water pump installation. The model and size will be marked on the pump casing, rotor, pump body and other accessories to standardize the installation work. Fake and shoddy manufacturers cannot be so meticulous, so we can check whether these water pump accessories have corresponding size marks and whether they are clear, so as to determine the authenticity of the water pump.


Figure | Product model labeling

User’s Guide

Product instructions mainly play the role of publicity, agreement and basis. Instructions issued by regular manufacturers contain clear corporate features such as corporate trademarks, logos, contact information, addresses, etc. In addition, they also introduce product information in detail, include complete models and explain relevant product after-sales services. Fake merchants are not only unable to provide corresponding after-sales service, let alone print and display the company’s contact information, address and other information on the manual.

新闻6Picture | Product manual

By grasping the above four points, we can basically judge whether the water pump is a regular product or a fake and shoddy product. We must work hard to reject fakes and crack down on piracy!
Follow Purity Pump Industry to learn more about water pumps.

Post time: Nov-03-2023

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